Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Posting, just posting ;D

Wow. I really haven't added a new post for a while now but not much has been happening I guess. Not much to say but i feel bad if I don't post on my blog haha. Well for one i've managed to get my lazy butt drowned in homework again, but i'll finish it as soon as i've posted this hehe. Ok well... that's all for an update I guess but here's a photo of Kimmi :)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Ok so yes after my bad hair day, I asked my friend to fix my fringe. We were running around the school and hiding with a pair of scissors, we must've looked so suspicious.... especially with all the people following and crowding around us to watch the cutting of my fringe ^^". Another difficulty was the teachers roaming around like sharks; had a few people on look out though. So yes the fringe was successfully fixed, just gotta let it grow. Although my friend did stab my eyelid several times, it's ok. My other adorable friend was like an her asisstant, haha :D. Many thanks to them and i don't think i'll ever get a front fringe again in my entire life >.<.

The fringeyyyy :) still needs to grow... I really do miss my old hair T.T

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Farewell D':

Today I missed school to see my sister/half sister off at the airport. She's off for a 3 year trip to Europe. We're all going to miss her. I know she'll be alright 'cause she's a strong person. Although I never met with her often, i'm still going to miss her a lot; she's like a role model? Kinda like looking up to a celebrity but never actually meeting them. I love my sister lots and lots and I wish her the best of luck :')

Assesment... uh oh

Ok so i'm not the most organised person in the world and I haven't done my assessment task due TOMORROW. Gee aren't I smart. I'm rushing it all tonight and trying to get it done, gosh the stress. I've gone through cans of soft drink just to stay awake. Gosh if only I just did my assessment earlier, oh well. I don't care much for the subject anyway hehe. Ok looks like i'll be pulling an all nighter.
Remember kids, do your homework or you'll wake up tired and fat :)

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Bad Hair Day :(

Ok, so I decided I wanted to change my hair a little so I begged my mum to take me to the salon to get a front fringe. Eventually she said "Fine just shut up!" and took me to the hairdressers. They washed my hair and I had to sit there for around... 2 hours waiting for a spot. Finally there was an open seat and I was really excited. Then I said I wanted a front fringe below my eyebrows. He said ok and told me that he would thin my layers a bit. So I agreed and sat there hoping for the best.
After the haircut I looked in the mirror... my hair.... WHAT HAPPENED!?
The layers were thinner than expected and it kinda seemed as though I had short hair and random bunches of long hair sticking out from the back. And the fringe... well it was a side fringe. He asked if it was right I asked him if he could cut my fringe straight and in front, like a front fringe. So he cut and cut and it turned into a half front fringe that covered half my forehead and left the other side fully exposed. Arggh! >.<
I didn't want my hair to be murdered anymore so I just said ok that's fine i'm leaving now. I'm trying to deal with my new hair but... I dunno, i wish i didn't cut it. My friend said she'd fix my fringe for me at school though, she styles her own hair and it looks pretty good so I trust her to not kill my fringe :) let's hope it turns out well though.

First Post!

Ok so this is my very first blog and the reason why i'm blogging is because I feel like blogging for the hec of it :)
So this is my first blog, might as well tell you about myself.
I am a girl, although I do have a guy's name which is incredibly annoying.

I'm 13 and way too short for my age. If you saw me you'd probably think I was in primary school.
I have medium brown hair and brown eyes. Apparently my eyes are huge? dunno can't really tell.
I'm Asian and Spanish... awesome mix right?.
I have an adorable pet cat, recently taught her how to stand on her bottom, SO CUTE! She's grey, white and black with greeny blue eyes!!! anyway...
That's all i'm saying for now I guess and  this post was pretty pointless but hey, i'm a brand new blogger!.