Tuesday 10 May 2011


Ok so yes after my bad hair day, I asked my friend to fix my fringe. We were running around the school and hiding with a pair of scissors, we must've looked so suspicious.... especially with all the people following and crowding around us to watch the cutting of my fringe ^^". Another difficulty was the teachers roaming around like sharks; had a few people on look out though. So yes the fringe was successfully fixed, just gotta let it grow. Although my friend did stab my eyelid several times, it's ok. My other adorable friend was like an her asisstant, haha :D. Many thanks to them and i don't think i'll ever get a front fringe again in my entire life >.<.

The fringeyyyy :) still needs to grow... I really do miss my old hair T.T


  1. Hey.
    Haha, I told you I would put a comment here.
    Anyway, that was sooo funny with your hair and you're right; you guys did look very suspicious. I didn't see you before it was cut. I wish I had, lol. :D
    You look very different now.
    See you on Monday!!!

  2. Omg you did comment!!! LOL a little late but oh well. My hair before anny cut it? REALLY BAD. Now a days, as you know, I pin it back... it's more comfortable i guess :). Thanks for commenting hahahahahaha ^^
